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ClearTone Cables has closed due to its owner retiring. Resultantly, we
are not able to offer any more ClearTone™ cables

Need your SESSION amp
or pedal repaired?
Well, you've come to the right place... things we are still happy to do:
- Amp spares
- Session amp repairs
- RetroTone™ Upgrades for Sessionette:75
and Rockette:30 Amps
- Warranty issues for amps less than 5 years old
More Information

5E3-EXTRA 22 - SESSION's 1950s
Tweed Tone combo
5E3-EXTRA - Chassis only version

BluesBaby 22W - Classic 1960s 'black panel' tone
Rockette 45W - Classic 1960s 'black panel' tone
FX Loop and G12T DI Out. Ideal pedal platform
Steward Empty Cabinets
EXPAND your Fender Blues Junior's® tone...
with a STEWARD classic 1950s style cabinet

1x12", 1x15" & 2x10" versions
Large 'Blues Junior®' Cabinet - CLICK IMAGE
Award-Session has no affiliation with FMIC
| Upgrade Your SESSIONNETTE:75!

Upgrade your 1980s Sessionette:75 combo for classic 'Old School' tone. Rich 'on-the-edge' bluesy tones that'll embarrass
many tube amps. And, at
the same time, give it a
new lease on life
Upgrade developed by
Stewart Ward, the original Sessionette designer
More info, demos
& prices here
Sessionette:75, Sessionette:90 &
Rockette:30 amps only
Ask other owners about
their upgrades


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