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Award-Session Artist LinksAward-Session is proud to be associated with the following artists:Gwyn Ashton: Sessionette amps, JD10 & ClearTone Cables With one foot rooted in pre-war Delta blues, the other in a hotchpotch of country, swamp, jazz, rock, soul and folk, there are more sides to Gwyn Ashton than meets the eye. gwynashton.com - myspace/gwynashtonmusic
Sam Carter: ClearTone Cables Member of the 2012 tribute to Sandy Denny... 'The Lady: a homage to Sandy Denny' - Seen here with his cedar and Indian rosewood Osborne 'Dragonfly J Cutaway' samcartermusic.co.uk - facebook.com/samcartermusic
Stuart Dixon (Session Guitar/Bass): JD10 & ClearTone Cables Great 'old school' blues & jump jive player, as well as all modern styles too facebook.com/stuartdixon Jubilee Studios - jubileestudios.co.uk - facebook.com/Jubilee-Studios
The David Raphael Band: ClearTone Cables Easilly the South UK's best harmonica based blues band! thedavidraphaelband.co.uk - myspace.com/thedavidraphaelband facebook.com/Harpmeister
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If you are a professional act and an Award-Session, Session or Suppliers:Celestion Speakers - Celestion.com |
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